These atoms, groups of atoms or molecules contain at least one free electron in their inside orbits. Electrons are negative particles that are met usually as couples, forming chemically stable bonds. If the electron is free, another atom or molecule can easily find it and combine with it, causing a specific chemical reaction.
Due to its chemical instability, each free radical combines easily with other cells. It attacks the nearest molecule by taking an electron from it, and as a result, it becomes a free radical as well. After this process has begun, it could cause serious damages to our organism as they multiply and affect more cells. Free radicals are normally present in our body. Each if them exists for a little part of the second, but the damage it leaves behind are irreversible. It is believed that about 10 thousand free radicals are produced every day in each cell.
Many factors stimulate their production. Radiation from the sun or Roentgen, smoke from cigarettes, air pollution and, of course, food. If our menu contains a lot of fats, it is normal to get the level of free radicals increased, since fats are oxidized more easily than carbohydrates and proteins. The presence of too many of them in our body changes the way that our cells code the genetic material. Mutated proteins damage the immune system and causes the formation of leukemia and other oncological diseases. The body starts producing more and more of them with the time, and this leads to the aging process at molecule level.
Hence, how can we protect ourselves from free radicals? Antioxidants are our saviour. The main antioxidants that food contains are vitamins A, C, E, beta-Carotene and the minerals zinc, copper and manganese. They protect our organism from the negative effects of free radicals. It is not easy in today's fast paced society to ensure that our body gets the proper nutrition it is entitled to. Thus, in order to protect our body from free radicals, we can start consuming super foods.
Super foods feed, clean, give energy and regenerate our cells. Super foods make us stronger. They fight with toxins, radiation, etc. They strengthen the immune system and offers to us a long and healthy life. In order to call a food super food, it needs to have many qualities. It needs to contain in a very small volume a large quantity of food substances. It should be natural and there should not be any deactivation of the enzymes. Our organs need to be able to assimilate it easily.
Super foods give us the chance for a better life as it helps to provide our body the well deserved nutrition that is required for it to be healthy and function normally. By consuming Super foods which contain natural products, our body can finally be strong and resist most dangerous diseases. We can forget about taking pills that damage our organism. Finally, we can start loving our body and enjoy our days.
Wahidabi Sulaiman is a Business Associate with Amega Global LLC. She has special interest in nutrition and food products that enhances the lifestyle and condition of each individual and is a strong promoter of Amfood (A superfood that is rich in Sulforaphane and other superfruits and vegetables that is energized with Amega's very own Amized Fusion Technology). Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?How-Can-Super-Foods-Help-to-Stop-Degeneration-of-Cells-Due-to-Free-Radicals?&id=4023296] How Can Super Foods Help to Stop Degeneration of Cells Due to Free Radicals?
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