Strengthen your immune system by using the tools that nature provides. It can help you recover from colds and flus quicker, or not even get them at all.
Your body is a marvelous machine that has been given the ability to protect itself from bacteria, virus and other pathogens that you may come into contact with.
Did you know that you come into contact with cancer causing agents called carcinogens every day of your life? Also, did you know that it is a fact of life that your body takes in bacteria and virus not only through hand contact, but through the air you breathe and the foods you eat.
It doesn't make sense to think that constantly washing your hands will protect you. If this is your method of prevention, it's best to get a hyperbolic chamber and live there.
Not to say this doesn't help - it does, a little. But for true prevention, be proactive and use the tools that nature has given and that your body is designed to rely on.
The first of these tools is the food you eat. The right foods will help your body remove toxins, kill pathogens, create more white protective blood cells and give your body the nutrition it needs for all around immunity.
There are certain foods that are best at strengthening your immune system. These include fresh, whole fruits and vegetables, whole, organic proteins and whole grains. But some of these stand out more than others.
Fruits are full of antioxidants and enzymes that can help protect your cells from damage. Certain fruits are full of vitamin C that help your body fight bacteria and virus. Others contain flavonoids that protect against heart disease.
Fruits build your immune system with phyto-nutrients while at the same time helping your body to detoxify noxious substances. Eat fresh fruits every morning for the full immunity effect.
Some of the best fruits to strengthen your immune system are; blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, strawberries, pink and red grapefruit, red apples, oranges, nectarines, peaches and tangerines.
Vegetables are next in line and also contain high amounts of phyto-nutrients. They stimulate the release of enzymes in your body that help protect and rebuild damaged cells.
The best immune building vegetables include; kale, red and green peppers, broccoli, dark leafy greens like turnip and collard greens, spinach, and romaine lettuce.
Good bacteria is a powerful tool in your immune strengthening arsenal. It is normally found in the intestinal lining and is there to help fight the bad bacteria, virus and other invading pathogens. This bacteria count can get lowered from too much junk food and stress as well as lack of rest and lack of good nutrition.
By eating foods that contain good bacteria, you stimulate your immune system to cause it to work harder. Good bacteria will increase your natural antibodies and stop the absorption of pathogens such as salmonella and e.coli.
Foods that contain good bacteria are yogurt, miso, kifir and homemade sauerkraut. Yogurt is the most popular that is easiest on the palette. But be sure to eat yogurt that doesn't have added chemicals, sugar, or corn syrup. Read the label to be sure it does include good bacteria, because some artificial yogurts are merely desserts.
Omega 3's are an excellent food to strengthen the immune system. They help prevent auto-immune disorders and are anti-inflammatory. This means more protection against disease.
Foods that contain the Omega 3's are walnuts, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, cashews, almonds, salmon, herring and mackerel.
If you truly want to defend yourself and strengthen your immune system, these are definitely nutrients that you don't want to miss out on. Eating healthy will keep your body ready to defend itself anytime the "bad guys" want to attack.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/health-articles/strengthen-your-immune-system-and-keep-your-body-healthy-652305.html
About the AuthorLearn more about how to strengthen your immune system and how body cleansing can help at springclean-cleanse.com
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